Welcome to my intro!

Please be kind!

My name is Ness (my main name at least). I'm an artist and multifandom person!

I go by he/him pronouns and I'm transgender! I'm also ace-spec but not entirely sure if im just demi or aceflux aswell! I identify with both the gay and uranic labels, using the flags interchangeably!

This is my first website and it's very much still a WIP but hopefully I'll be able to make it what I imagine it could be!

With each interest in the sidebar, they link to descriptions of what they are unless they're self explanitory.

I'd like to say now that I'm open to meeting new people as long as you aren't a complete dick :3

I'm a complete animal lover, save for my phobia of cockroaches and my fear of wasps and general dislike of mosquitoes! I have 3 pets, 2 cats and one puppy, and i adore them!

I do my best to be kind and respectful of everyone at all times but as I'm on the spectrum, sometimes i can misjudge the situation and I apologise for that. I struggle with tone a lot both online and IRL, so I appreciate tonetags, but you aren't obliged to use them with me^^